出身国:Viet Nam
認知・情動脳科学専攻 (在学生)
Why did you choose the above major/field?
I am a neurologist, so that major is helpful for my job.
What did you do to prepare for the graduate school entrance examination?
Reading many of sciencetific papers which related with my major
Please tell us about your research.
My research focus on the role of Platelet-derived growth factor receptor in CNS disease, especially in ischemic stroke and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis disease
Is there any changes in yourself since you entered the graduate school?
I think I've changed a lot since I entered the graduate school. In the past, I was very passive in everythings, from thought to action. Now, I have taken the initiative in planning for myself, and I can conduct research by myself.
How do you spend your free time?
I have a beautiful family here. When I have free time, I spent my time for my family. I take care of my children and help my wife to clean my room. We often go shopping and go to somewhere in Toyama together.
Please give a message to students who are considering going on to the graduate school.
You should be well prepared for your knowledge, health and willpower. There are many difficulties you must to face and overcome in the process of being a graduate student. You are the best teacher for you.