認知・情動脳科学専攻 (在学生)
Why did you choose the above major/field?
I am interested in unravelling the mystery of the organ the controls our body (The brain). Understanding how it work is crucial for maintaining the wellbeing and general health of the people and may enable us to prevent and treat intractable neurological diseases.
What did you do to prepare for the graduate school entrance examination?
Regarding the oral examination, I read more about my professor work and recent publications. And for the written English examination, I read through some of previous years` exam models available in the university library.
Please tell us about your research.
My research is divided mainly into two parts: The first part is related to molecular neuroscience; Understanding the functional significance and characterization of glycine receptor alpha 4 subunit in the brain and the second part aims at developing new tools for mouse engineering so we can prepare the required mouse ourselves without outsourcing.
What are the advantages of doing research at a graduate school?
Doing research in graduate school has many advantages on both the personal and academic level. For example, it teaches students professionalism, logical thinking and time-management. Besides, it force students to deeply think and identify problems in their research and to develop and implement innovative solutions so I think it is a great opportunity for learning and discovering.
What career path do you want to take in the future?
One of my future long-term goals is to be a world-class scientist and participate in research that improve the quality of life and wellbeing of people. Therefore I think the academic career is the path I am looking for in the future.
How do you spend your free time?
I spend most of my free time with my family and friends. Sometimes, I spend some time in reading the world news headline and playing football.
Please give a message to students who are considering going on to the graduate school.
It is common to experience above-average stress in graduate school so it is crucial to learn how to deal with it. Don’t give up and know that the best is yet to come!