認知・情動脳科学専攻 Major of Cognitive and Emotional Neuroscience
Sleep and cognition

宮本 大祐 Daisuke Miyamoto
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- URL : http://www.sugitani.u-toyama.ac.jp/rcibs/staff/miyamoto/index.html
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研究の背景と目的 Background and Purpose of Study
The brain cannot fully operate 24 hours a day and requires sleep and rest. Meanwhile, sleep is a risky behavior for animals because the brain during sleep is isolated from external inputs such as predator information. Mysteriously, central nerve systems are active consuming energy even during sleep as you can expect from dreaming experience. However, the benefits of sleep on risk and energy are still unknown. Why does the brain network communicate information even during sleep? What roles do sleep play in higher brain functions such as memory, emotions, and creativity? To answer such questions, the Laboratory for Sleeping-Brain Dynamics explores the potential functions of sleep through analyzing brain network dynamics with state-of-the-art experimental skills such as electrophysiology, optogenetics, and behavioral pharmacology.
私たちは睡眠脳ダイナミクスの全貌とその機能を捉えるために、神経活動の実験・解析技術を生体マウスに適用してきた。まず、自然な睡眠・覚醒パターンを生じる自由行動マウスにおいて、光ファイバーを用いた神経活動の観察・操作法を確立した (Miyamoto & Murayama, Neurosci Res, 2016)。さらに、脳波と筋電位を用いてコンピューター上でオンライン睡眠状態の判定をしてトリガーを出すことで、睡眠状態選択的なクローズドループ光操作系を開発した (Miyamoto et al., Science, 2016; Miyamoto et al., Front Neural Circuits, 2017)。これらの実験・解析系を用いて、ノンレム睡眠時の徐波のリズムで大脳皮質を刺激することによって、睡眠不足による記憶力の低下を回復させることに成功した。睡眠中だけではなく、断眠中における徐波刺激も記憶力を向上したことは、睡眠そのものよりも、睡眠時のオシレーションの記憶への重要性を示唆している。
1. *Miyamoto D, Hirai D, *Murayama M “The roles of cortical slow waves in synaptic plasticity and memory consolidation.” Front Neural Circuits, 11: 92, 2017.
2. Miyamoto D, Hirai D, Fung CCA, Inutsuka A, Odagawa M, Boehringer R, Adaikkan C, Matsubara C, Matsuki N, Fukai T, McHugh TJ, Yamanaka A, *Murayama M “Top-down cortical Input during NREM sleep consolidates perceptual memory.” Science (New York, NY), 352(6291): 1315-8, 2016.
3. Miyamoto D, *Murayama M “The fiber-optic imaging and manipulation of neural activity during animal behavior.” Neurosci Res, 103: 1-9, 2016.
4. Miyamoto D, Iijima M, Yamamoto H, *Nomura H, Matsuki N "Behavioral effects of antidepressants are dependent and independent on the integrity of the dentate gyrus." Int J Neuropsychopharmacol 14(7): 967-76, 2011.