生体情報システム科学専攻 Major of Biological Information Systems
Development of toxicity of environmental pollutants
Development of toxicity of environmental pollutants

佐山 三千雄 Michio Sayama
- TEL : 076-445-6877
- URL : http://pse.eng.u-toyama.ac.jp/life/
- Keywords : Metabolism, Enzyme, Mutagen, Organic synthesis
研究の背景と目的 Background and Purpose of Study
I started the investigation named "the expression of toxicity of environmental pollutant" and mainly engaged in the metabolism of xenobiotics. Using the techniques of metabolism study, I engaged in discovery of new biocatalysts (enzymes) which nobody discovered and purification of it, and applying to organic synthesis using enzymes and microorganisms.
発癌・変異原物質である dinitrotoluene の代謝と毒性発現の関係. 発癌物質 diaminotoluene の代謝活性化反応に関わる酵素の精製と特性. バナナの皮の有効利用(含まれる酵素の精製と特性、バイオエタノールや乳酸への転換、皮を利用したパン作り) 微生物・酵素を利用した光学異性体の分離と合成