認知・情動脳科学専攻 Major of Cognitive and Emotional Neuroscience
Neuronal mechanisms for sensorimotor integration underlying emotional behavior

西丸 広史 Hiroshi Nishimaru
- TEL : 076-434-7218
- URL : http://www.med.u-toyama.ac.jp/sysemosci/index.html
- Keywords : emotional behavior, motor, pain, CPG, electrophysiology, mouse
研究の背景と目的 Background and Purpose of Study
これまでに運動を司る神経のしくみを明らかにすることを目的に、歩行運動の際の基本的な筋活動パターンを形成する脊髄の神経回路の作動機構とその発達形成について、 遺伝子改変マウスを用いた電気生理学的・組織形態学的アプローチによって機能解析を行ってきました。その結果、神経回路を構成する抑制性ニューロンや興奮性ニューロンを新たに同定し、 それらが歩行運動の発現に重要な役割を担っていることを見出しました。現在は、高次の脳部位が外環境からの感覚情報と統合してどのように運動回路を制御することによって情動行動を発現しているのかを明らかにすることを目指して研究を進めております。また、情動と密接に関係した痛みの感覚の制御機構についても研究を開始しました。
Our work has been devoted to understanding the neuronal mechanisms of movement, namely locomotion in mammals. Through multidisciplinary approaches to dissect the spinal network motor system using the genetically engineered mouse model, we identified spinal interneurons constituting the locomotor network and revealed part of the prenatal developmental mechanisms of spinal motor circuit. Our work now is focused on the interaction between the sensori-motor circuit and higher brain regions generating emotional behavior. Our goal is to understand mechanism of the sensorimotor integration generating movements to express emotion.
私たちは、哺乳類をモデル動物とした中枢神経系のin vivo, in vitroの電気生理学的解析のスペシャリスト集団でもあります。精神疾患の病態モデル動物をはじめとした様々な動物の機能解析の共同研究が可能です。
1. 情動関連領域における感覚-運動統合機構
最新の参考文献:Sachuriga, Nishimaru H, Takamura Y, Matsumoto J, Ferreira Pereira de Araújo M, Ono T, Nishijo H. Neuronal Representation of Locomotion During Motivated Behavior in the Mouse Anterior Cingulate Cortex. Front Syst Neurosci. 2021 15:655110. doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2021.6551102. 痛覚情報処理におけるトップダウンの神経機構
最新の参考文献:Miyahara K, Nishimaru H, Matsumoto J, Setogawa T, Taguchi T, Ono T and Nishijo H (2021) Involvement of Parvalbumin-Positive Neurons in the Development of Hyperalgesia in a Mouse Model of Fibromyalgia. Front. Pain Res. 2:627860. doi: 10.3389/fpain.2021.627860参考文献
- Borgius L*, Nishimaru H* (co-first authors), Caldeira V, Kunugise Y, Low P, Reig R, Itohara S, Iwasato T, Kiehn O. Spinal glutamatergic neurons defined by EphA4 signaling are essential components of normal locomotor circuits. Journal of Neuroscience 34:3841-3853, 2014
- Shimomura H, Ito M, Nishiyama A, Tanizawa T, Takeshima Y, Nishimaru H*, Arata A*(co-corresponding authors). Glycine plays a crucial role as a co-agonist of NMDA receptors in the neuronal circuit generating body. Neuroscience Research 97:13-9, 2015
- Kobayashi R*, Nishimaru H*(co-first, co-corresponding author), Nishijo H. Estimation of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic conductance variations in motoneurons during locomotor-like rhythmic activity. Neuroscience. 335:72-81, 2016
- Jargalsaikhan U, Nishimaru H, Matsumoto J, Takamura Y, Nakamura T, Hori E, Kondoh T, Ono T, Nishijo H*. Ingestion of dried-bonito broth (dashi) facilitates PV-parvalbumin-immunoreactive neurons in the brain, and affects emotional behaviors in mice. Nutritional Neuroscience 20:571-586, 2017
- Dinh HT, Nishimaru H, Matsumoto J, Takamura Y, Le QV, Hori E, Maior RS, Tomaz C, Tran AH, Ono T, Nishijo H. Superior Neuronal Detection of Snakes and Conspecific Faces in the Macaque Medial Prefrontal Cortex. Cerebral Cortex. 28:2131-2145, 2018.
- Le QV, Nishimaru H, Matsumoto J, Takamura Y, Nguyen MN, Mao CV, Hori E, Maior RS, Tomaz C, Ono T, Nishijo H*. Gamma oscillations in the superior colliculus and pulvinar in response to faces support discrimination performance in monkeys. Neuropsychologia 128:87-95, 2019
- Chinzorig C, Nishimaru H, Matsumoto J, Takamura Y, Berthoz A, Ono T, Nishijo H* Rat Retrosplenial Cortical Involvement in Wayfinding Using Visual and Locomotor Cues. Cereb Cortex 30(4):1985-2004, 2020.
- Miyahara K, Nishimaru H, Matsumoto J, Setogawa T, Taguchi T, Ono T and Nishijo H* Involvement of Parvalbumin-Positive Neurons in the Development of Hyperalgesia in a Mouse Model of Fibromyalgia. Front. Pain Res. 2:627860, 2021
- Sachuriga, Nishimaru H*(co-first, corresponding author), Takamura Y, Matsumoto J, Ferreira Pereira de Araújo M, Ono T, Nishijo H. Neuronal Representation of Locomotion During Motivated Behavior in the Mouse Anterior Cingulate Cortex. Front Syst Neurosci. 15:655110, 2021